Awaken to the

Akashic Realm

beginners Akashic Training

A Two-week Journey of Exploration & Connection

Classes start MARCH 29
and end April 5

We meet SATURDAYS 2pm-4:30pm PST on Zoom


Wherever you are on your journey, I invite you to attend a two-day workshop to Awaken to the Akashic Realm. We are being called to take responsibility for our own connection to the divine and our own healing journey and this certification course is a very safe, non-judgmental, and intimate gathering of Quantum Explorers. If you are already a healer, want to learn how to offer healing to others, or just want to learn for yourself, this class is for you. In the past, this workshop has always been a space for deep healing, joy, and connection. You will leave with a greater sense of who you are as a soul.

Class overview.

In our 2 weeks together, we will cover:

  • Explore what the Akashic Records are

  • Learn how to open your own Akashic Records

  • Open the Akashic Records for others

  • Deepen the way you connect to guidance & Source

  • Explore Past Life Healing

  • Receive light codes & activations


ZOOM. All classes are recorded and uploaded to The Class Portal in case you have to miss a class.


Awaken to the Akashic Realm (March 2025)
One time
For 4 months

All classes will be recorded and added to the specific class portal. By signing up for this course, you agree to have your voice recorded for future use. Bear in mind, if you ask a question or comment, this may be shared with other Divine Alchemy students. Every question can lead to a deeper understanding of the material, but if you don’t want any personal info shared, be mindful as to how you formulate your question and/or comment. This is a sacred space and anyone listening will be asked not to share anything they hear in each course. 

By signing up for a Divine Alchemy course, understand that this information is proprietary and personal. Do not share any info about other students and honor the space by not sharing my password or course material with anyone outside of class.